Thursday, June 9, 2016

{Baby L}

"A Baby is a blessing,
 a gift from heaven above. 
A precious little Angel
 to cherish and love"

I hogged all the baby snuggles when I went to see this brand new nephew of ours!
I couldn't help it. He was too perfect and smelt too good to let go!
Baby L is perfection all wrapped up in a tiny little bundle!
I loved this shoot so much!
 I am going away from styled/posed newborn shoots and going more toward the lifestyle/natural look and I LOVE it!
It shows perfectly the sweetness that a newborn brings in to your home!
Contact me for your next lifestyle shoot! 


Wednesday, June 1, 2016

{Langton Family}

The Langton Family is darling, as you can see! Look at Baby Will's cheeky smile! I love it! He wasn't too sure about taking pictures but he sure cooperated and was a champ. I mean, take a look at these gems we got! And have I mentioned how much I LOVE this location?! Because I do! 
Thanks for the fun evening, Langton Family!